Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Praying for mercy

It's official: Tiny Overlord has won this battle of the sleep wars. The last few weeks have been. . .well, the term "hell on earth" is so trite that it has really lost its effect, but my extreme sleep deprived self can't come up with anything better right now. Hubby is driving TO around (in the rain--why is it always raining on nights like these?), in the last ditch hope that she'll fall asleep and STAY asleep. The plan is to leave her in the car seat once she gets back home.

Pre-baby, I read many studies stating that leaving babies in car seats to sleep was bad because they'll grow up to be a drain on society, or something. Maybe it was that they had a higher chance of being Republican, I don't know. Point is, they said it was bad, and at the time it was enough to scare me into not doing it. Well, those studies never took two parents' sanities into account, because I'll risk TO being a little slower on her development for a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. Or the chance to eat. (It's 11:40 PM--I haven't eaten dinner yet. Such is the life of a mother desperate for her child to sleep, so desperate that she'll forgo food and volunteer to become a human pacifier in the hopes that it will lull her child into a sweet, long lasting slumber.)

Hubby has returned. . .let us cross our fingers, people. . .

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